My name is Lhanze Kohr, and welcome to Kohr Values Equine. Here's a little background about myself and how KVE was born.
I started riding in 1998, in a little town on the Washington State/British Columbia border, where it is cold, wet, and windy 9 months out of the year. Not really ideal weather for a young aspiring equestrian, but I knew I was hooked for life. Being the oldest of 3 girls, who are close in age and all horse crazy, could get a little tough at times. My Mom supported and shared our passion for riding, but we had to work at keeping it affordable! That meant sharing everything from paddock boots to ponies (Shout out to Mia the wonder pony!) In the 00's I started training with Suzy Huizenga at Twin Maples Farms, who gave me a wonderful foundation of basics, balance, rhythm, and position. She took me (and my sisters) to numerous competitions around the Pacific Northwest such as Spring Nationals, Maple Ridge, and Thunderbird Show Park. I credit her for my horsemanship skills and equitation.
Following my junior career, I began working as an assistant trainer for local Hunter Jumper programs including Eliza Hunt in Langley, B.C. and later for Stephanie Craig in Woodinville, Washington. My day job as an assistant including grooming, hacking, and teaching. But I wanted more!
In 2012 I acquired Lady. She was a 17h chestnut mare, and the first Off-the-Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) that was 100% my responsibility to re-train and re-sell. After Lady, came Hank, Baloo, Compass, and many others. I found a passion in the process. It's such a journey to get to know these former racehorses, earning their trust, uncovering their personalities, and discovering what "job" they are best suited for in the next chapter of their life! I truly loved each and every one of of my projects (there have been 14 OTTBs) and I feel that they each taught me something new, or appeared in my life at a certain time for a certain reason. I'm following all of them with their new homes and celebrate all their accomplishments.
After seven years of selling horses on the side, I was given the opportunity to work as the Sales Agent for Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, WA. That experience gave me the confidence and push that I needed to pursue re-selling full-time. Kohr Values Equine was born in April 2019, and I am loving every moment of it!